
Find Filipino Friends contains information regarding the FriendFinder Network. All claims are made based on the understanding of the claims made by FriendFinder Network, and therefore, their disclaimers about such claims and content within this site, and theirs, should be read and understood by you, the visitor. Models who are not site members or expired member profiles are used in external advertising of our sites and thus you should not rely upon the availability of any particular person(s) as being a member of our site in making any membership or payment decisions. Statistics contained at this website are based on the FriendFinder statistics at the time of this site's creation, therefore, the calculations should not be relied upon in making membership or payment decisions. Please consult the Friend Finder Network for more accurate information and full details before making any decision. We reserve the right to used purchase content to promote this site. If any content on this site violates copyright or does not belong, please inform us immediately so we can take action. We cannot control, nor know the origin of, all of the content on this site, if such content has been purchased from third parties, and we, therefore, do not make such claims. Offers and statements are subject to change.